Once again it is nearing the middle of the week, and I’ve already lost track of two days. Where do my days disappear to? It seems I barely get started til it’s time to quit for bedtime.
Yesterday, we made a trip to Scott’s doctor in Atlanta, with a great report on his blood work following his cancer surgery. Got home in time to eat a quick lunch, put something in the oven for supper, then out to the yard to do some planting. I’ve been on three rescues over the last week, so I have lots to plant. I put in a large grouping of ebony spleenwort ferns and three “Snowflake”oakleaf hydrangeas . Then in to cook dinner and make a pot of soup for the keenagers lunch at church on Tuesday. Did a little sewing and some computer work, then it was bedtime.
This morning, I went on another rescue and got lots of good plants for an area Dianne wants to plant. Ran home long enough to plant 4 trees I had rescued, along with some native iris and False Solomon’s Seal. A quick trip to Bowdon to pick up the car after some repair work, and now we both have wheels again. Then some research on some of the plants I rescued before the native plant society meeting.
Tomorrow, it’s off to Bowdon to begin planting some beds for Dianne. I think that’s all I plan to do tomorrow.
Thursday-trip to an appointment in Marietta, then home to do some more planting.
Friday is my day off! I have absolutely no plans, so nobody is to call me and schedule any of my time. And this time I really mean it!!!!!!!
I love my life of leisurely retirement.
I so enjoy reading each entry by you Carol. I feel like I learn something each time and it’s like reading a good book (which by the way, you should do) your adventures in gardening and landscape are to be admired. So glad to hear Scott got a good report from the doctor. I am very serious about you writing a book about your life of teaching, your knowledge of so many things. A Master Gardener, science teacher, a seamstress, mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt and friend. Oh let’s not forget Braves fan. lol Those are only what I know of. I would love to have your knowledge of plants and your energy so, keep posting please. Always love to read your about adventures 🙂