Here it is, already the second day of May. Where did the spring go? There were many pretty flowers blooming throughout the month of April, with many of them still blooming into May. This year I have added several dozen ferns to the beds, some more bleeding hearts, three patches of Blue Eyed Grass, and three new varieties of Milkweed. The Ironweed and Joe Pye Weed have starting peeking out of the ground. Liatris has its first buds, and some of the coneflowers are bully bloomed out. New plantings of Fairy Wand are blooming, along with the Fly Poison. It’s an adventure every day, just walking through the yard.
This is one of the three varieties of Amsonia in the pollinator garden. It will bloom for a couple of more weeks, then will make unusual long brown tubular shaped leaves that look like they are covered with felt.
One of the non native clematis plants that is growing up a tree in the front yard. It is a double bloom.
I think this is bugbane, but I’m not sure. It showed up in one of the vegetable beds.
False Solomon’s Seal is one of the prettiest early spring blooming natives. The blooms have faded since this picture was taken, but it will develop some nice reddish berries later in the summer.
Two of the three rhododendrons in the front yard died this year, probably victims of the drought last summer. But this one has outdone itself with the blooms this spring.
This is a pass along plant from Mama’s garden, which she got from her mother’s garden years ago. This is the true ‘Sweet William’, which has a wonderful smell which cannot be matched by the hybrids found in the stores today.
These amaryllis were given to me by a friend many years ago. They have multiplied and been shared many times.
I’m not even sure what this plant is, but I sure do love white blooms. It is a good reliable bloomer all spring.
This clematis never fails to put on a show.
I bought a clematis years ago, laid it on the truck’s bumper to plant later. I forgot it, and Scott drove off with it. I never found it on our street, but one of the neighbors has one that looks suspiciously like the one that fell off the truck. So I got another one, and it is lovely.
The little Mouse Eared Coreopsis blooms for weeks on end, and will continue to bloom if I deadhead it regularly.