Busy Summer Day

Even though it is cloudy outside, I have done some gardening.  My squash vines have been attacked by borers, the squash fruit by squash borers, so I pulled the vines up and harvested as much as was usable.  Planted more seeds for zucchini and squash, hoping they’ll have time to produce fruit before the frost, and hoping the borers will be dormant by the time they produce.

Planted several small native trees and some ferns in my woodland garden this morning.  I’m turning my side yard into a native plant area, so more ferns will be going in later this week, along with some native big leaf and umbrella leaf magnolias, silverbells, Paw Paws, arrow wood viburnum. and native azaleas.

I started new cuttings of one of my prettiest purple/bluish mophead hydrangeas this morning.  Hope they’ll be ready to sell at the plant sale in May.  Looks more blue than purple in the picture, but it is a pretty shade of purple.

Beside the stump

Also put some cuttings of native hydrangea arborescens in my rooting chamber.  These will probably end up in my yard instead of a sale.  Here’s what it should look like.  My thanks to Mike Strickland for the picture of the native hydrangea.


Happy gardening, everyone!


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