Just when I think March and early April are my favorite bloom times, along come the irises. They are outdoing themselves this year. One of the reasons I love these plants so much is the people associated with many of them. Some came from Mama’s garden, some from gardening friends. I wish I had labeled them all with the names of those who shared them with me. But strolling amongst them recalls the warm feelings I get thinking about who each one reminds me of, or a special occasion when I received them.
Along with the iris are the columbines, whose multiple blooms will continue to give me such pleasure for a few more weeks.
I love the native red columbines with the native red honeysuckle as a backdrop. The hummers love it as much as I do.
I’ve finally achieved my goal of blooms every day of the year. I hardly ever fail to stroll around the yard daily, just to see what’s new and blooming. It’s a wonderful thing.