Category Archives: Musings

Where does the time go?

I made a quick trip this morning for a doctor’s appointment, and it ended up taking half my day-had to do a return, needed new black shoes for churc…….

By the time I got home from a 9:00 appt. it was almost lunch time.  I fixed a quick salad, then took pitchfork in hand to go down to Frank’s house to help him unload the goat poo from his truck, since he helped me yesterday.  Typical Frank-wouldn’t let me help.  Said he had to move some potted plants around to make a space for dumping.  I guarantee he won’t call when he’s ready to unload.

I planted about 100 seeds collected from some of my native plants, then repotted some of the hydrangeas I rooted for our plant sale.  The rain this summer really gave them a growth spurt and they were growing roots out of their pots.  I put a small dent in getting the hundreds of pots in my back yard into some sort of organized madness, so I can find them when I want a particular plant.  It will take days!

I made Dianne a planter of native tiarellas in her strawberry pot.  In the spring it will be beautiful covered with the dainty green plants and their white frilly flowers.

Then it was in to answer some emails, while Scott goes out to grab us some dinner.

I’ll spend an hour or so tonight painting the rest of the ceiling in Brandi’s room.  By tomorrow, I should be ready to start on the walls.  Never buy a new comforter and shams!  It is like giving a mouse a cookie.  One thing leads to another, so now I have half the curtains made, have bought fabric to recover a chair, and then I’ll add some room darkening shades.  I am making some that will close from the bottom up.  I like that!  I can leave them down some at the top for the light, but no one can see directly into the room.  Who would have ever thunk it?

Then I think I’ll just lay in bed tonight and read a mindless book.  That should put me to sleep!


And that’s where the time goes.